The Diversity Champions Programme
An inclusive workplace can increase your financial success, attract and retain employees, and tap into a unique and loyal consumer base.
Retain Outstanding Staff
Employees at inclusive companies are significantly more likely to “go the extra mile” to achieve company success than employees at companies who have a negative attitude toward LGBTQ+ employees. i
Expand Customer Base
82% of allies are more likely to purchase from a company that supports LGBTQ+ equality. ii And LGBTQ+ consumers are 25% more likely to stick with a brand even when its prices increase. iii
Increase Cash Flow
A study of 450 global companies showed that inclusive companies had 2.3 times higher cash flow. Smaller companies had a 13 times higher mean cash flow. iv
LGBTQ+ people face significant barriers in the workplace that mean they don’t have an equal opportunity to thrive.
As members of our incredible programme, you can drive commercial success, but you can also make LGBTQ+ people feel safe and encouraged in the workplace.
Our research shows:
- One in ten LGBTQ+ people have experienced barriers to progression
- One in eight LGBTQ+ people don't feel able to disclose their identity to their colleagues
- One in five LGBTQ+ job searchers felt discriminated against
As one of our Diversity Champions, you will receive an unparalleled, personalised service from Stonewall, an organisation who understand your business and sector.
We are committed to ensuring we provide an inclusive, supportive environment for all colleagues. The Stonewall framework supports us to achieve these aims.
Gail Brindley,
Executive Director of People, University of Greenwich
Being able to display the Stonewall logo helps send out a very positive message of support for LGBT issues both to staff and clients.
Nick Mott,
Partner, Dentons
Member benefits include:
- Client Account Management, to tailor the training and guidance to fit where your organisation is currently at in its inclusion journey
- Free submission to our Workplace Equality Index, where we assess your organisation's achievements and progress on LGBTQ+ equality
- A scalable service – we cater for organisations across sectors - public, private and third - and for those based in any part of the United Kingdom, or who operate globally
- On-demand access to our industry-leading tools and resources on workplace inclusion. As an exmaple, download our Supporting Early Career LGBTQ+ People in the Workplace resource today.
- Exclusive discounts to our empowerment training sessions, workshops and events, which cover a range of specialised topics
- Focused guidance and feedback for those who wish to enter our Workplace Equality Index, our annual measure of the UK’s top 100 employers for LGBTQ+ people
What can I expect as a Stonewall Diversity Champion?
You can use the Stonewall logo on your website and marketing, to show you're a Diversity Champion. v
Time saving
i LGBTQ+ and ally employees at inclusive companies are significantly more likely to “go the extra mile” for company success (84% versus 73%) than those at companies that have a negative attitude toward LGBTQ+ employees. Credit: Centre for Talent Innovation (2016), Out in the World: Securing LGBT Rights in the Global Marketplace
ii 82% of allies across multiple markets said they are more likely to purchase from a company that supports LGBTQ+ equality. Credit: Centre for Talent Innovation (2016), Out in the World: Securing LGBT Rights in the Global Marketplace ; Harris Interactive (2010), The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Population At-A-Glance.
iii LGBTQ+ consumers are 25% more likely than straight and non-transgender consumers to stick with a brand even when its price increases. They are also 33% more likely to ask for brands by name rather than a generic good. Credit: Harris Interactive (2010), The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Population At-A-Glance.
iv A study of 450 global companies (with revenues above $750M) shows that inclusive companies had 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee over a three-year period. The effect is even greater for smaller companies, which had 13 times higher mean cash flow from operations. Credit: Suisse (2016), LGBT: the value of diversity, Credit Suisse Environmental, Social and Governance Research
v Our DCs have use of the Stonewall Diversity Champions logo. Use of the generic Stonewall logo will incur a license fee.