
Inclusive workplaces

With Us

Your Partner in LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Stand up for LGBTQ+ Workplace Equality

Drive commercial success, boost staff satisfaction and achieve your diversity, equity and inclusion goals sooner with Stonewall.

Trainings and Workshops

Training tailored to your workplace. From bitesize workshops to in-depth programme packages, our team are on-hand to drive organisational success and personal development for your senior leaders, team leads and network co-chairs, and much more.

Diversity Champions Programme

Expert guidance, resources, and support to help your workplace thrive. Get ready to set the gold standard for inclusion in your sector.

Corporate Partnerships

We partner with companies in several different ways, allowing organisations to use their ESG programmes to support LGBTQ+ communities, whilst upskilling their teams to be better leaders and allies at the same time.

Why choose Stonewall?

  • Three-quarters of UK LGBTQ+ workers look for a diverse workplace when applying for a new role, these workers also focus on the company’s internal commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion i
  • Bullying and harassment are still rife in the workplace, with 49% of LGBTQ+ workers saying they experienced unwanted sexual comments, jokes at their expense, or being undermined due to their identity ii
  • In fact, one in five LGBTQ+ workers consider leaving their role due to lack of focus or action on LGBTQ+ inclusion. iii  This could seriously harm staff retention rates, causing a net loss at your organisation iv

As customers and audiences, LGBTQ+ people have buying power and loyalty…

  • LGBTQ+ consumers have an annual purchasing power of up to GBP £6 billion in the UK v
  • And approximately GBP £3.7 trillion of purchasing power globally vi
  • LGBTQ+ people are also much more likely than straight consumers to recommend a product or share an ad vii

Workplace Payroll Giving

Support Stonewall effortlessly through payroll giving. Donations are tax-efficient, allowing employees to contribute a monthly amount at no extra cost.

Since donations are taken from salaries before tax, this is an effective way for people to donate more for less.

Discover the different ways to show up for LGBTQ+ rights by supporting Stonewall in your workplace.

Improving your workplace for LGBTQ+ colleagues means your organisation can deliver more inclusive services and products whilst building an environment where your workforce, clients, partners and customers thrive.

Nancy Hitzig,
Director of Programmes & Income, Stonewall

What can I expect as an organisation working with Stonewall?

Commercial Success

The LGBTQ+ community and their allies respond more positively to organisation that publicly acknowledge their commitment to social causes.

With our support you can achieve your inclusion goals, increase financial success, and build stronger, more diverse workforces.


Gain a more loyal customer base and broaden your audiences through championing LGBTQ+ equality.
Reduce staff turnover and attrition rates with an inclusive workforce – which means less time spent on recruitment and training.

Great Service

We consider your sector, customer base, and staff needs to tailor our services to your inclusion goals.
Our expert teams can help you achieve organisational success whilst empowering employees with the tools, confidence, and commitment to create lasting change.