John Dickinson-Lilley
Chwaraewch Ran
Man on a snowy mountain holding skiis

John Dickinson-Lilley

John is Team GB’s leading men's blind ski racer. He retired in 2017 in the world top ten, and as a European Champion, double British Champion, and Alpine Cup winner. He skis at speeds of up to 70 mph with a sighted guide, using bluetooth headsets in the technical disciplines of Slalom and Giant Slalom and the speed disciplines of Downhill and Super G. All of this is done with less than five per cent sight in the central vision and one metre distance vision.

John is also a keen tandem cyclist – both road and track – alongside an enthusiastic convert to Peloton. He lives in London with his partner Owain and guide dog Brett.

John’s hopes for LGBTQ+ equality in sport

Sport is a liberating experience regardless of the community you come from, and sport is also a right. It should be open to us all so that we can take part however we choose – from a long walk, a bike ride, or Sunday football all the way up to elite level competition. We should also be able to enjoy the benefits it brings – whether it’s friendship, fitness, or just some time to yourself. I’m supporting Rainbow Laces because inclusive, LGBT-friendly sport is well overdue and it’s everyone’s responsibility, from Governing Bodies to individual participants, to build welcoming sport spaces right here, right now.

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