Stonewall Cymru: Future Leaders Programme | Stonewall
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Stonewall Cymru: Future Leaders Programme

Stonewall Cymru is hosting a fully funded workshop specifically for LGBTQ+ people aged 22-30.

Mae rhaglen Arweinwyr y Dyfodol Stonewall Cymru ar gyfer pobl LHDTC+ 22-30 oed wedi’i dylunio i rymuso pobl LHDTC+ o bob rhan o Gymru i ddatblygu eu dealltwriaeth o sut mae ein hunaniaeth yn llywio ein profiadau, a sut gallwn ni greu amgylcheddau cynhwysol lle gall pob person LHDTC+ ffynnu. 

Gwybodaeth am y digwyddiad:

Dyddiad: 23 Ionawr 2024

Amser: 9:30 to 16:30 

Pris: Dim (darperir cinio a lluniaeth)

Lleoliad: Caerdydd. Mae'r rhaglen yma’n cael ei chyflwyno wyneb yn wyneb.

Saesneg fydd iaith y digwyddiad yma.

Perfect for: LGBTQ+ people aged 22-30 who want to understand how to use their experiences to demonstrate inclusive leadership behaviours

Learning Objectives:

  • Datblygu dealltwriaeth o sut mae hunaniaethau yn llywio profiadau yn ein gweithleoedd, ein cymunedau a mannau eraill.
  • Deall y rhan mae arweinwyr yn ei chwarae yn y gwaith o greu amgylcheddau cynhwysol.
  • Trafod sut i ofalu amdanoch chi’ch hunan wrth siarad am eich hunaniaeth a'ch profiadau.
  • Adeiladu rhwydwaith o ddarpar arweinwyr LHDTC+ i feithrin cysylltiadau ledled Cymru. 

Apply now


Who can attend?

This programme is for LGBTQ+ people aged between 22 and 30 who live in Wales.  

Rydyn ni’n croesawu ystod amrywiol o gyfranogwyr i’n rhaglenni, yn enwedig pobl sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol ar hyn o bryd. Rydyn ni’n cymryd camau i sicrhau bod ein rhaglenni yn hygyrch i bob unigolyn LHDTC+, gan gynnwys unigolion o ystod o gefndiroedd ethnig, pobl o ffydd, pobl sydd ag anghenion hygyrchedd a/neu bobl anabl – ac wrth gwrs y rhai lle mae’r hunaniaethau yma’n rhyngblethu.

Pam cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen yma?

Rydyn ni’n credu bod gan bobl LHDTC+, ledled y byd ac ar bob cam o’n bywydau, botensial diderfyn. Fodd bynnag, rydyn ni’n gwybod bod pobl LHDTC+ yn rhy aml yn wynebu rhwystrau rhag gallu bod yn nhw eu hunain mewn ffordd ddilys.

Bydd y rhaglen yma’n caniatáu i fynychwyr nodi strategaethau i ddangos ymddygiadau cynhwysol fel darpar arweinwyr LHDTC+ ac i archwilio ffyrdd o lywio amgylcheddau lle gallai ein hunaniaethau beri rhwystrau rhag gallu bod yn ni ein hunain mewn ffordd ddilys.

Bydd y rhaglen hefyd yn rhoi cyfleoedd i fynychwyr feithrin cysylltiadau a datblygu rhwydwaith o ddarpar arweinwyr LHDTC+ yng Nghymru.

Previous feedback

Please see below for previous feedback from attendees of this session in Scotland.

  • 90% of delegates said that the programme supported them to develop their understanding of how identity shapes experiences in workplaces, communities, and other settings
  • 94% of delegates said that the programme supported them to develop their understanding of the role leaders play in creating inclusive environments
  • 90% of delegates rated the programme as either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’

"I found it affirming to be around other LGBTQ+ people who had similar hopes around creating more inclusive workplaces" - Delegate on a previous Future LGBTQ+ Leaders Programme

"The content and structure of the workshop (programme) was great, it covered all aspects of what an inclusive leader looks like and how to be the best version of yourself as you progress in your career" - Delegate on a previous Future LGBTQ+ Leaders Programme

Apply for a place on this programme

Gall unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gwneud cais am y rhaglen naill ai wneud yma. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer gwneud cais yw 02 Ionawr 2024.

If you have any questions about the programme, or would like to see the application form in another format, please contact us at

We are limiting places on this programme to 30 places and are anticipating high demand. Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn cael eu hysbysu drwy e-bost o leiaf bythefnos cyn y rhaglen.


We want our events to be accessible to everyone. All delegates should expect to feel safe, welcome, and included at our events.

Rydyn ni hefyd yn deall y gall mynychu rhaglen wyneb yn wyneb fel hon gynnwys llawer o gostau cudd, felly rydyn ni wedi neilltuo cronfa o gyllid gyfyngedig i dalu costau teithio i bobl LHDTC+ sy’n teithio i’r digwyddiad yma.

Please see our FAQs below or email to find out more about the support we have available.  

If you have any access needs, including the provision of equipment and BSL interpreters, please email We will do our best to accommodate any access requirements you need.  

Our Programmes

Stonewall is committed to ensuring that attendees of our programmes can participate in a safe and supported environment.

Through different interactive exercises, we encourage delegates to challenge themselves, grow their understanding and develop new connections with the people in the session.

Exploring issues and developing knowledge of different identities is encouraged and we see all identities as valid. Debating the validity of identities is not accepted on our courses.


Do I need to be in employment to apply? 

No. As long as you are aged between 22-30 you are welcome to apply to this programme. However, whilst the learning from this programme will translate across different settings, please be aware that this programme will focus on leadership in a workplace environment.  

I am in employment, is this programme open to organisations in my sector? 

Yes. We welcome LGBTQ+ people aged 22-30 regardless of employment status, and from across all sectors in Wales.  

I do not live in Wales, can I attend? 

As this is a funded programme you do have to live in Wales to be able to attend this programme. You can find out more about other opportunities to attend one of our programmes or events here

I am not aged between 22-30, can I attend the event? 

This programme has been designed to specifically support LGBTQ+ people aged between 22-30, so we cannot allow people outside of this age range to attend. You can find out more about other opportunities to attend one of our programmes or events here

What travel, accommodation, and food costs are covered? 

As this is an in-person programme, there is a requirement to travel to Cardiff to participate. We have secured funding to be able to cover reasonable transport costs (train, bus, car) for delegates who need this support to attend the programme. We will also consider requests for accommodation for those who need it.

As a charity, we ask that delegates take steps to secure the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly transport options.

If you need support in booking travel, please contact us via

Food and Drink

Bydd cinio a lluniaeth ysgafn yn cael ei ddarparu ar y diwrnod.